聚焦 | 贵阳卢浮宫Tulip Inn金熙酒店入选国际酒店地产大奖

2020-06-12 10:57:49

继荣膺2020 Sky Design Awards奖项认可后,由知名酒店设计专家邓宏乐先生领衔的中深建设计总院团队新作——贵阳卢浮宫Tulip Inn金熙酒店,再获国际权威奖项认可成功入选The International Hotel&Property Awards2020全球榜单

在专业家评审团严苛标准下能脱颖而出,贵阳卢浮宫Tulip Inn金熙酒店以无可挑剔的东西方文化融合,成功入选The International Hotel&Property Awards2020,当属实至名归。

据组委会介绍,受新冠疫情影响,The International Hotel&Property Awards2020颁奖典礼及系列论坛将延迟至年底,计划于Capri,Italy举行。



这一场艺术的对话中,人们依稀看见古罗马的气度、欧洲宫廷的尊崇、表现主义的渲染、现代审美的超脱,在设计的调配中,各种缥缈的气息交织融合,形成特有的Tulip Inn式美学。





The International Hotel & Property Awards


The International Hotel & PropertyAwards 国际酒店和地产大奖,始于英国,由国际领先的室内设计杂志design et al主办,迄今为止已成功举办十届,该奖项旨在表彰全球范围内最顶尖设计和最前沿作品。
The International Hotel & PropertyAwards has been successfully held ten times so far, which is originated fromthe UK and sponsored by design et al, a leading international interior designmagazine. The award recognizes the best design and cutting edge work from theworld.

国际酒店和地产大奖的特殊之处在于,所有提交的作品必须经过两轮评审。第一轮是由design et al杂志的专业评审团组成,评选标准极为严苛,只有在全球范围内极具专业性的作品才会进入shortlist名单。随后,由来自全球的设计行业人员参与投票,这也使得The International Hotel & Property Awards成为设计行业及地产行业内最受关注的顶尖奖项。
What makes The International Hotel &Property Awards special is that all submitted works must go through two roundsof judgment. The first round is made up of expert judgment panel from design etal Magazine, and the selection criteria are so stringent that only highlyprofessional works from all over the world will be selected in the shortlistlist. Therewith, members of the international design industry voted so thatthis kind of judgment makes The International Hotel & Property Awards thetop award in the design and property industries.








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